Should i go to the hospital? I am new to all of this ...

Nukolla • Just waiting for the arrival of myBundle of Joy??
So I am 35 weeks today & I have been feeling like crap since sunday night. This past sunday I woke up to wetness on my inner thigh and notice it was wet on my shorts & a puddle in my underwear instead of the white discharge i get on a normal. i didnt know what to think so i just layed around then about 20min later i started to feel stomach pain really bad & when i went to whip it was alot of clear thick discharge on tissue. at that point idk what to do or think .. so i went to theER. they said that my water didnt break nor was i open, but my contractions were 3-6min apart and there was alot of discharge plus i was a little bit dehyrageted. they discharged meh & i went home .. later that night around 2:30/3:00am i started to feel these really bad cramps & stomach pain. where to the point that i couldnt sleep and couldnt lay comfortable at all. ever since then i have been going to the bathroom (constant diarrhea and vomiting). i cant keep nothing down nor do i have  an appetite but i know i need to eat for the sack of my baby boy 💙. all through the day my body is aching and its alot of pressure in my lower stomach abdomen area. my baby boy moves but not as much ..but when he does it is very hard. the cramp feeling & lower back pain combined together is very uncontrollable. i am not for sure is premature labor i am experiencing or the flu symptoms ?? should i go to er or wait it out till my dr appt on tuesday jan 6?