Dr suggested an abortion

I was having medical problems before I learned I was pregnant. We were not TTC, but what's happened, happened. We are happily engaged and my fiancé is excited to become a first time father as he's already a great step-father to my 3 children.
Well I went to follow up with cardiology today and the doctor kept telling me how horrible it is that I'm pregnant. He asked why I hadn't previously had my tubes tied since I had previous high risk pregnancies, he kept asking and nearly insisting that I have an abortion, exclaiming that it'd be better to save one life over another. I kept asking what the tests showed about my heart and all he would say it that my scans showed abnormalities with a lack of blood flow and oxygen to parts of my heart.
I'm 5w6d today edd 8/27/15 and go in for my first u/s and to meet with high risk doctors on Friday. I can't bare the thought of an abortion, but I also need to stick around for my older children. I'm such a mess right now. What a way to ring in the new year.
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Posted at
This is a really hard situation. I'm sorry. One thing that a doula friend taught me that I think is useful is remembering that, unless you're in a life threatening emergency, you have time to get more information. You have time to meet with an OB and get a second opinion from a cardiologist. You also have time to consult a counselor or faith leader if you feel that would help. Whatever decision you make should be the right one for you, so take your time putting the pieces together. 


Posted at
Dr will always suggest an abortion, if the risks outweigh the pregnancy. Personally if he doesn't provide throrough answer to back his opinion though, I would get advise from a different physician. I'm not saying he or you are right. You both have your side and I definitely think he could of approached you with more tact. Good luck, get a fully informed opinion and trust your gut.  


Moni • Jan 1, 2015


Moni • Jan 1, 2015
The choice is still yours. I wish the best.


Nancy • Jan 1, 2015
He stated risking one life was one thing but maintaining the pregnancy would risk both lives.


Posted at
I am so sorry. That isn't anything that wants to be heard. I am also a noted to three kids, and I would be very sad, but I would choose to get a abortion if my life would truly be endangered. There is a medication abortion you can do up to 9 weeks. Get a second opinion.  Good luck. Again, I am sorry 


Nancy • Jan 1, 2015
Medication or not, it's still my baby and it's still alive. I have to believe the heavens have something in store for me


Posted at
NEW DOCTOR!!!!! You need support not that, BUT do be careful, bad bedside manner but probably some medical truth/worry for his patient. 


Posted at
What is your medical issue? I'm very high risk as well but there absolutely comes a point where doctors need to really step back. I just about hit my neurologist years ago for telling me to never have kids. I'm sorry sweetie and totally understand 


Melissa Carrie🐠 • Jan 1, 2015
I'm the type to weigh the pros and cons..get every fact and possibility


Melissa Carrie🐠 • Jan 1, 2015
Oh honey! I'm sorry. I have epilepsy which makes oxygen stop flowing to the fetus possibly. It's so difficult.


Nancy • Dec 31, 2014
It's not just my heart, I also suffer from a blood clotting disorder and chronic bronchitis along with fibromyalgia.