I miscarried and now my sister is pregnant

Christine • Rainbow baby boy born January 2017 🌈 after a missed miscarriage Dec`14, molar pregnancy Apr`15 and blighted ovum Feb'16
I had a miscarriage on december 1st. We had learned the week before that baby wasnt growing and didnt have a heartbeat. It was going to be the first grandbaby and first niece/nephew. Today, January 1st is my sister's birthday. She's 29, a year younger than me. I called her to say happy bday and she just told me the first food news of the year: she's pregnant! Not even ttc! I am sooo excited!! I know it can be hard for some people to take this kind of news but i am so happy for her. I truly wish a baby on everyone lol. Everyone should have the oportunity to go through a pregnancy. It is such a marvelous thing that a person is growing inside of her. 
I plan to start ttc again in a couple of months, around the time she should be around 12 weeks. Hopefully our kids can grow up together, like we always wanted.