Diagnosed as "unexplained Infertility"

I know several ladies on Glow have been diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility. After being tested, on clomid to see if that would have a positive impact (although not nesseccary), having an HSG test coming back "perfect", and my husbands testing coming back great, I was diagnosed with UI this afternoon and was scheduled for my first consultation with a fertility specialist. Part of me is thankful that there is nothing wrong and I have been blessed to quickly get an appointment with the specialist. BUT....it leaves me feeling sooooo frustrated. After the constant poking, prodding, and painful testing I feel as if I should have some sort of answer. If we don't know what the problem is, how can we possibly fix it?!? Part of me is really excited to be taking the next step in this journey, and the other half of me is terrified. I know the process coming up will be awkward, unpleasant, and possibly painful. It just isn't how I "planned" to get pregnant. I don't have any friends who have been in the same boat and feeling kinda alone.