A big sign?

Carla • 43 years old, 1 late loss + 4 Mc = 5 years of sadness. Miracle baby May 5, 2018 ❤️
A bit of a back story, my husband and I have been trying for 3 years and have had 3 losses: the first one was a four months which nearly emotionally killed me. 
Last month my husband picked me up from work ( which seldom happens as our schedules differ) and we were opening our front door and he said- "look!" and I turned around and saw this. I have never in my life seen a rainbow of this magnitude, and from end to end.
I ve now been getting positives on preg tests this week (starting as faint and now very positive) so I'm really hoping this is a sign for us. What do you think? My husband is a skeptic. Blood work has been taken, so will hear from doc next week.