Pcos, hashi/hypo thyroid, vasectomy reversal and loads of prayers

Hubby and I are ttc again. He had a vasectomy 3 years ago. He just got it reversed a few months back. No semen analysis yet (waiting another few months). However the surgeon saw heads and tails on one side and heads on the other. He gave him a 87% change of contributing to conception. 
I have pcos and we had infertility treatment with our first (6 yrs old). It was hard and took a long time!!!! We were married 7 yrs before we had her. 
Then I got Preg out of the blue when she was 9 months old without trying or treatment.... Crazy!!!!! They are 18 months apart and the best friends. 
We've had a long and very painful journey with my oldest's health. She has recovered from autism and doing fabulous now. So we decided we want to add a new bundle of joy to our family! Life is finally calm enough now. 😊
So I just wanted to say hi and see if there were any other vasectomy reversal ladies in the house?