Annovulation and heavy bleeding

This is our 6th month ttc. I have been charting and doing opks since day one. The last 3 cycles I didn't ovulate properly and have been getting increasingly heavier periods. Today is cd12 and I am still bleeding. Went to dr yesterday and got ultrasound. Dr said my uterine lining is really thick and I still have more bleeding to come. She put me on prometrium (progesterone) to thin out the lining. She said I have a good looking follicle growing so I might ovulate soon and if the lining thins enough in time we have a chance to conceive this month. Running a bunch of labs (hormone levels, thyroid, etc) to see why I am not ovulating but she said sometimes it is as simple as stress. Go back in 2 wks for another ultrasound. Anyone experienced this? Did you get bfp? Any advice? Frustrated with dh cause he thinks he knows more than dr and we should just wait a month. Dr says I need to get pregnant fast or my bleeding is only going to get worse. How can I make him understand this is actually best for my health to keep trying?