Saw my new doctor today....

Madison💁🏼‍♀️ • Retailer// Married 6 yrs// Mommy to fraternal twin girls// surprise baby on the way!
AND I LOVE HER TO PIECES!!! She is very supportive of hypnobirthing and other birthing methods and is going to send me some resources and class locations! And she is totally fine with me having a doula (my former doc basically gave me a strong "no" and said we don't really need an extra person in there)! And she said she can send me some resources and numbers for doulas in the area. 
And she found both babies' heartbeats SO easily and quickly! So waiting five more weeks is nothing now that I know they are still both there and have strong heartbeats and good rates. She said everything looks great.
Best part: she said if she had trouble finding "two distinct, strong heartrates" that we would just go across the hospital to have an ultrasound to peak at them. My other doc wouldn't give me an ultrasound before 20 weeks even though he only found one heartbeat and had not done one since 8 weeks. 
So needless to say, I am SO relieved and excited about my pregnancy again! I feel like I've been seeing this doctor my whole life! 😁😁😁