Need to vent

Alright ladies. I realize it is a blessing I am able to meet with a fertility specialist and that modern medicine has made such improvements that it will hopefully help me to concieve a child. BUT..... Does anyone ever wish technology required more testing on the males than the females? Or at least 50/50 since we have to carry and deliver?!? I have had my blood drawn twice a month for 8 months, been on clomid for 6 months, had a not so pleasant HSG test, multiple exams, and now the fertility specialist is requesting an egg supply count (I have unexplained infertility so they keep going to the next test bc we keep coming back in the normal range). The test is cycle day sensitive and has to be done while on your period. Like it wasn't weird enough before?!? Part of me just gets so annoyed with my husband bc he doesn't have to go through ANYTHING that I do. He was embarrassed when he thought he would have to produce a sample in the office. You can do that alone in a room!!! How do you think I feel laying spread eagle on a table with multiple people sticking me and probing me?!?  Now I have to do that while AF decides to hang out. I feel like he doesn't get as emotionally invested bc he isn't the one checking his pride at the door. Trying not to sound ungrateful, or to make it seem like my husband hasn't been supportive through this experience. Yet....At the same time I feel like all the exams and testing is embarrassing and painful and that guys just simply don't get it bc they don't have to.  Am I alone? End rant.