
🌸 Holly 🌸 • frm London, mummy to Mila born 17/06/15 💕 and Leon born 12/10/17 💙 xxxxxx
So it was my 20 week scan today. Anxiety kicked in this week, worrying my baby will have something wrong... And I just couldn't shake it.
Well today we saw our bubz (not to mention the kicks I've been feeling also!) and the relief that's washed over me has been the most since I conceived. We decided not to find out the sex, the good news we received was enough.... 
Naughty bubz wouldn't however move their hands from their face, so we couldn't check the lips and couldn't get a clear picture of the heart... So I am lucky enough to be getting yet another scan at 23weeks (nice going bubz 😜) ... But today has filled me with gratitude, love, relief, positivity, and calm... All an anxiety sufferer can wish for...
I hope all you ladies around the world whether pregnant or TTC have a day like today soon, if you haven't already, and I send my positive out to those chronic anxiety sufferers. I know there's no point in me saying it will be ok, but stay strong 😘 xxxxx