Bad Question?

Aimee • TTC #1 since Dec 2013
Yesterday we had lunch with friends of ours who we are very close with. They've struggled with infertility but finally had a baby just over a year ago. They know that we've been struggling to get pregnant for over a year now, and they knew their announcement would be hard for us to hear. They're expecting #2! Not with fertility help or anything. They knew they'd want a second but assumed it would be like their first go 'round. Well not so much. So one of the first things I asked was "is this planned?" because in October at their child's 1 year bday party, they both said they didn't know if they'd have another and they couldn't imagine having another because one is hard enough. My DH thought my "planned" question was inappropriate. They didn't seem bothered by it and they've been in our shoes so they know how much it sucks. I just am wondering if I was out of line for asking that? Just wanting to get others opinions :) thanks!