A stumper for ya guys

Anyone feel out of breath just walking around? A little background I was born anemic I used to get shots but the doc now has me on 65 mg twice a day along with my prenatal in iron. My bp today 107/70 with a pulse of 103 yep 103!! Anyway I get up to just walk around around the house and I'm out of breath. I'm getting a little concerned about my oxygen carrying capacity and whatnot wondering if any of you ladies are feeling the same way... 
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Posted at
I got winded making my bed today!! Crazy!


Posted at
Yup!!! After a shower especially for me. It's because of increased progesterone and blood flow!


Autumn • Jan 26, 2015
Omgosh it's awful I feel like I can't do anything lol


Posted at
You're definitely not alone! I thought I was out of shape or something even though I workout a couple times a week.


Julie • Jan 26, 2015
Ha exactly!!


Autumn • Jan 26, 2015
It's bad right I was thinking now I know I don't workout as much as I should but come on lol


Posted at
Whew!! I though I was just that out of shape! I can't go up and down the stairs in my house without eating winded and my heart feels like it is going to beat out of my chest!! Doc today said that was normal that our blood supply will almost double by the end of the first trimester and our hearts are accommodating. Take it easy ladies!!!