bleeding, again.

Des • US traveler. OR living. RH Neg life yo.
Im 15 weeks. I posted on here yesterday that I was bleeding after sex from the day before yesterday, it lightened up. A lot of you ladies were really helpful and gave me input and said it was probably a UTI. I went to my doctor yesterday, and she said it wasn't a UTI, and the baby and my placenta looked fine. She just said pelvic rest for the rest of my pregnancy. I was relieved. This morning I passed a VERY small pinkish whiteish clot. I've noticed the bleeding is mostly bad after a few hours sleeping and I get up to pee, which is when i passed the clot. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be concerned still? I've lost two babies and im freaking out a little! 
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It could also be part of your mucus plug. It is constantly sheading some and repairing itself. I had the same problem after sex and that is what mine turned out to be because my cervics were getting hit and causing my plug to shead some.


Des • Jan 27, 2015
Ohhh okay! Maybe! Thank you so much!


Posted at
If she checked the baby your fine you just probably hit something when you had sex, I had sex bleeding lasted like 3 days from sat till Monday morning so try not to worry x


Chantelle • Jan 27, 2015
I wouldn't worry you will be ok


Des • Jan 27, 2015
I think they try to psych me out sometimes! Lol. Thank you so much! I don't feel as alone and stressed now!


Chantelle • Jan 27, 2015
Doctor said it was my placenta more than likely pushing on the cells


Posted at
If ur bleeding after sex it normal I had it happen with all for of my pregnancy it still freaks me out but dr said because of increased blood flow it just ur cervix bleed. 


Des • Jan 27, 2015
Yeah she said it was normal, but up to a time. It's going on a third day now /: is that normal?