Need Advice About Post Partum :(

so im a first time mom , whos 7 months pregnant . I'm 21 years old I was living with my mother and grandmother up until I got pregnant 
I now live with my boyfriend in the garage of his parents house 
( it's more like a house because we have a bathroom / shower / kitchen table etc ) 
So what I needed advice on is more like a question and my question here is : is post partum / the whole 6 weeks to recuperate really THAT BAD ? like are you really weak & sore after ?  Im asking because my mother and grandmother both make it seem bad by saying Im going to be so sore and going to need help going to the bathroom etc . 
and my grandma says that Im going to need her to make me food and to help me take care of the baby .  so for that reason she wants me to move back to her house for the 6 weeks . 
the problem is ..... I dont want to be apart from my fiance :( he works and makes good money the thing is , he depends on me alot like for example , to clean the house do the laundry , and make him dinner and lunch for when he goes to work. I wont be able to do all that if im away and I know for a fact he won't make his own lunch . 
& he keeps telling me he won't stay over there at my grandmas and sometimes I feel bad because he tells me to go with my grandma if I want him to be " away from his daughter " . 
Idk what to do , I already told her i'd move back even if he didn't want to come with us then go back with him after the 6 weeks but honestly I don't want to leave him or be apart from him . if I can do things by myself I will , if Im not that sore as they say then i'll be fine. I don't get along with my boyfriends mother or sister so obviously I have no help over there . & i'll be alone for most of the day since my fiance works from 2pm until 11 at night . Im confused , torn between two options . I mean, I can always go over to my grandmas house when my fiance leaves for work its not like if we live hours away its only 5 minuets away. So, do you ladies think PP is really that bad ????