Am I crazy 😨😩


Today makes One Year I purchased my Conceive Easy® Kit . When I got it , it was $80 . I had wanted to finally have my Lil girl . A Mom of a 6yr old Boy, & Guardian to my 8yr old Niece ...

I started dating my Boyfriend in Nov.2013, yes I made sure that he was okay with the things I had going, being I wanted a child and all. Now I purchased this Kit mid Jan.2014 Valentines day was amazing ;; I just wish I knew what happened was going to happen .....

March 20th 2014. . . . .While in my Car at the Gas station I got an unfortunate text saying "Your going to leave me , I know u are" I automatically called him ... He didn't want to talk about it., forced it out of him, right there right while I'm sitting I the damn parking lot ....

When I was Told , from my Boyfriend and BestFriend that, "HE HAD A BABY ON THE WAY" I could have just dropped dead.... I couldn't breathe ... Then you won't believe what makes matters worst, the Baby was born 3-4 days later .... While March 27th was move in day ... Yeah (shakes head),move in day ... We moved in together with that BIG cloud ☁⚡⚡⚡ and all I continue to ask is Am I Crazy, what went wrong. Why he couldn't tell me when we started dating , why as a friend I didn't know. Why ever since the baby I want has to wait .... Why so I feel like I'm putting my own feelings aside... I just can't help but think to ask the only Question , Am I crazy .. Should I have said we shouldn't move in together, should I have walked away ??