Feeling so alone

Meagan • Mommy of four 💜
I just had my first miscarriage this week. I feel really alone. My husband is sad about it but never felt the connection that I did. I was only 5 weeks but I had tried to get pregnant for 11 months. I was the one to worry over using opks and buying pregnancy test. Praying that we got pregnant and disappointed every time AF would show. We do have two beautiful daughters and I feel so blessed to have them. And they are helping me get thru this really hard time. But I still feel alone. I have some friends that bad miscarriages too and I have talked to them. But I'm not very close with all of them and its still hard to open up about. My Husband said we can try again right away. I want to but im scared. I'm still bleeding from the miscarriage and sex is the last thing I'm worried about right now. My Dr gave me a Rx for Clomid when I start my next period. Has anyone taken that after a miscarriage and had success?