Opk advice help please?

Christine • I`m a: wife, artist, chef, writer, philosopher, comedian, critic, cartoonist, receptionist looking to add Mom to my title.

I know this is a faint hpt thread but I've posted my question in the ttc forum 2 times now and now one answers. I'm looking for advice on opks as i think I may have missed my surge? Idk.

I've taken at least 2 opks a day since cd 8. The first is cd 9. The second is cd 10 and the 3rd is cd 19 (today). My opks since cd 12 have looked like the last one (the test line is barely there). Normally I start to get darker test lines on cd 18 but they're all extremely light and I hold my urine for 4 hrs. I test twice a day (i wake up at 330am) so i test at 8 am and again at 5pm. The near pos from cd 9 was at 8am and that day I just so happened to work late and not make it home time 8 so i didn't test twice that day.

My cycles are normally 35 days. I typically O between cd 23-26. I also bbt temp. The last photo is my chart but i thought I was getting fertile cm about 3 days ago. I wasn't 100% sure so I marked creamy or sticky. Still FF gave me CH for cd 12... I've never OD that early and my temps have been between 97.31-97.50 since cd 13.

I did take a supplement that was supposed to help move my O up but I didn't think it would move it up 10-14 days. I've never ovulated this early. I've been bbt temping for 10 months so I'm confident I'm doing it right.

Any advice ladies? I will keep temping and testing but this is driving me mad.