Any other Veterinary Technicians??

Samantha • We are expecting baby girl #2 on 10/31! Can't believe the changes coming!I work full time as a Vet Tech and live in Maine.
I just got my BFP on Thursday and will be 5 weeks on Monday. I have told my 2 other techs because they will need to do some of the surgeries, dentals and rads for me. When did you tell your boss? Or the other doctors?? Thanks!!
Also, what did you stay away from or use caution doing?? 
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I am a vet tech! I am 17 weeks with my baby boy. I still do everything at work except for taking x-rays. My baby even has his own docimiter! I'm still working 45+ hours a week. I love being a tech and hope my little man loves the fur babies as much as his momma does! 


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I'm not a vet tech, but just chiming in to say you guys are awesome! Thanks for all you do for animals and their humans! Have a healthy pregnancy!


Samantha • Feb 1, 2015
Thank you :)


Posted at
I told my boss as soon as I found out. We work only with cats with a small staff, so I had to tell my coworkers as well since I wasn't able to clean the litterboxes anymore. As for x rays, this are a no go, and I have a respirator for surgeries that require just a mask or a box down. Any ambient anesthetic can be harmful, so don't fill the anesthesia machine wells. We use isofluane in our hospital, and if the surgery starts with injectable anesthetic then indication, you should be fine. Some employers are very accommodating, but for your safety, your baby's safety and insurance purposes, you should let your employers know as soon as possible. You don't dearly need to inform your coworkers though.Happy pregnancy to everyone¡ ”I'm a very tech, what's your superpower¿”😊


Ashley • Jun 10, 2015
stupid auto correct...*induction


Posted at
I'm a vet tech as well and almost 10 weeks pregnant. I told my boss about two weeks ago as we were doing our annual reviews and I was alone with her. I don't plan on telling anyone else at work until after 12 weeks. I talked to my doctor at my last appointment about what to avoid and she said the biggest thing would be X-rays. She also said to try to wear gloves if I could when dealing with cats because of possible toxoplasmosis. I also assist in sx about 1-2 times a week and she said that shouldn't be a problem. We use sevo at my work and my doc didn't seem too concerned. Extubation is when you have to be the most careful is what I heard. Awesome to see your post and connect with other pregnant techs! I was so wary about what was ok to do and not do but I definitely feel better now. Hope this helps and congrats on your pregnancy!


Maddison • Feb 1, 2015
Congrats! We use sevo at work too. I was told as long as you're not huffing it, you're fine.


Samantha • Feb 1, 2015
Congrats to you as well!! I do know there are lots of meds that you need to not touch as well.


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I'm a radiographer, so spend my day taking 100 X-rays am 4 months preg. As long as you follow the rules as you would without being pregnant it's totally safe x


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I used to work at a clinic as an assistant I've taken time off to work on my tech degree and because I was the only assistant/tech an wanted to start ttc. I've heard it's 50/50 some clinics are super accommodating while an employee is pregnant and others like my doc I was working for don't want anything to so with it. 


Kianne • Feb 1, 2015
I was doing sx, radiographs, apts and labs lol but she was against me having kids at all. Let me know I should wait till I was 30 -_- she didn't like kids in general lol so it made her less willing to deal with any of it.


Samantha • Feb 1, 2015
I know my boss is pretty good as one of the assistants was preg 2 years ago and one if the other Drs was last year. I do a lot in the lab and with clients getting meds and appointments going, but also do sx on days the sx tech is not in.


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I use to be a vet tech but quit after I had my daughter. I worked in an internal medicine department so I told the other tech that I worked with and the doctor. I didn't tell my employers or other co workers til my 2nd trimester. Management was pretty upset because of all the hazards in the hospital but I took all the precautions. I just wore gloves with every patient, when dispensing/giving medications, and of course stay far away from Misoprostal. Didn't do chemo, rads and didn't go into surgery until animal was under anesthesia and excess vapors were vented properly. I worked with the animals until 35 weeks and then worked the desk until 38 weeks. Good luck it is a hard job to do while pregnant but definitely worth it. 


Samantha • Feb 1, 2015
Thanks :) I'm hoping this will go smoothly. We have a pretty good staff and have had 2 pregnancies the past 2 years but I never thought about what to do/not to do till now.


Posted at
Oohh this would be tough. I'm curious about the answer. Thank you for the service you provide to our dear pets. :) 😺😺


Samantha • Feb 1, 2015
It's really a fantastic profession. Has it's rewards and it's downfalls but I love it :) thank you :)