Confused please help!!!

Hi there, so we have been TTC for 4 months now and I'm using charting, CM charting and Digital ovulation test, November and December I had a cycle of 29 days with a positive LH surge at day 13 and 14, well this month January glow is showing my next period coming early with a cycle of 25 days, so I took the digital ovulatin test after my period and I had the blinking for 3 days then on day 10 I had a static smile face which was on the screen for the two days so we had sex both those nights Thursday and Friday. I am just confused if my cycle is 29 dYs why did the digital ovulation test give me a positive reading so early this month? Should I cont having sex tonight Monday Tuesday and Thursday just in case glow is wrong as well as the digital OPKs. Please suggestions....