What's the stupidist thing you've cried about while pregnant?

Danielle • Mama to an 8 year old and one on the way!
It's been my one and only craving. I just cut a whole pineapple, and while rearranging the fridge to put it in, it fell. The whole cut, beautiful pineapple on the ground. It was so sad to me! What's the stupiditst thing you've cried about while being pregnant? 
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I took out my contacts and couldn't find my glasses. Hubby didn't know what to do so he walked his blind wife to bed and tucked me in...so I cried over the glasses, then the tucking in gesture (so now he's double confused) then he comes back in the room with cookies and milk and my glasses- he told me they were IN THE FRIDGE...so I cried lol


Theresa • Feb 4, 2015
Hahaha!!! I'm tearing up reading all of these!


Taylor • Feb 3, 2015
I laughed at this one and read it out loud to my husband! His comment? "The cookies were a really good idea"!


Kristen • Feb 3, 2015
That was funny and cute :)


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I cried because I had to pee in the middle of the night and I was so comfortable. I worked so hard for that comfy position. I also cried when my son begged for the last bite of my yogurt, and once I gave it to him, spit it back into my hand. 


Deanna • Feb 2, 2015
lmao this made me laugh


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That Budweiser commercial where the puppy is lost then runs home. 


Alisha • Apr 19, 2015
I'm not even pregnant (I don't think at least) and that commercial still gets me lol


Gabrielle • Feb 4, 2015
Oh my gosh yes! When the horses come and save him, lost it!


Theresa • Feb 4, 2015
Me too!


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I cried because my boyfriend was asleep and I wanted to cuddle :/ so he cuddled me and then I cried because his arm was too heavy and was squeezing me too hard so he let me go and then I cried because he was snoring and I couldn't sleep xD omg 


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I cried because my husband said he was bringing home burritos from our favorite place but forgot they were closed. When he showed up with no food I started crying because I was so hungry and refused to eat anything else that I just cried myself to sleep with no dinner ...oops lol


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When I was about 7 weeks pregnant I went to the state fair with a bunch of my extended family, no one knew I was pregnant yet. It was really hot, I was very nauseated and between my dad trying to get me to look at smelly animals and everyone else talking about the BBQ meat they wanted for lunch I LOST it. I got just far enough away from everyone and started crying to my sister and told her I was pregnant and all this talk of meat was making me sick! She got me cleaned up and got me some ice cream and no one else had a clue about my little meltdown. 


Taylor • Feb 3, 2015
Sisters are so awesome!


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I saw that commercial with the dude saying he'd never get married, cut to him buying a ring, never having kids, cut to delivery room, never getting a minivan, etc. I cried.


Stephanie • Feb 3, 2015


Stephanie • Feb 3, 2015
My husband and I just looked at each other the first time we saw it. Both of us were in years.


Jenny • Feb 3, 2015
me too!!


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I made myself a delicious piece of toast last night and my husband wanted a bite. I wouldn't give him one (usually we share a lot) and then stuffed the whole thing in my mouth. Then I cried with guilt for not giving him a bite. Later i asked him for a bite of his pizza with no shame. 


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So I went to mcdonalds with my mom and hubby. My mom had ordered some bacon chz burger or something. When she opened the box one piece of bacon was on TOP of the bun not inside where it should have been. I took one look at it and started laughing hysterically then bAlling my eyes out. I just couldn't believe it. In the middle of crying and feeling this overwhelming saddens I managed to choke out the words "it's just .. So sAAAd !" And continued crying. I had to look away LOL. All the while me mom and hubby looked at me like I was crazy and busted up laughing. So glad there wasn't anyone else dining at mcdonalds. Haha 


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One day I was feeling very nausea. My 4 year old son asked me 3 times to play with him and I kept telling him no. He finally said "you don't like me"...... I balled my eyes out.


Taylor • Feb 3, 2015
Oh noo!


Alyssa • Feb 2, 2015
My 4 year old told me I was mean cause I kept "spitting in the potty" instead of playing with him :(