Should I test again?


Glow recommended that I test today (3 days before AF) so I did, but I got a BFN 😢 -- then the app said that that could be too early to test ... I wish I wouldn't have tested ... 
Should I test again if my AF doesn't show, or is it a no for sure? 
I feel a little discouraged especially since I have had some symptoms that are not normal pre-period symptoms. 
I took a standard ClearBlue pregnancy test if that makes any difference too ...
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Where does it tell you to test cause all I ever see is the same stuff about me logging and stuff like that I'm 5 days late and hit the I'm late button twice and it just moves AF due date around kinda frustrating 


Mercedes • Feb 8, 2015
Thank you! 😊


JJ • Feb 7, 2015
Congratulations Mercedes!!!! 🎉👶


Mercedes • Feb 7, 2015
Ok well I took a test any ways and got a BFP!


Posted at
I just posted the other day how we torture ourselves when ttc w early testing...I took one early and was so disappointed but I just felt different than normal pms. I waited until AF didn't show and it was positive. Always makes sure you test first thing in the morning, most hcg then. I had been waking up for a week at 3:30-4am because I couldn't make it through the night so that's when I tested. 


Melissa • Feb 13, 2015
I've said that to my husband. It's just a reminder of the gift God has given us and I'll take being sick tired and dizzy any day for he wonderful outcome :)


JJ • Feb 12, 2015
Her pregnancy and though she felt terrible, she would say how she was grateful for the symptoms she had because it always reminded her of the baby growing stronger and bigger inside of her and that God was creating a miracle. I thought that was so beautiful to be thankful for both good &bad; symptoms


JJ • Feb 12, 2015
I guess we'll see as time passes. And I rather have His timing than mine on any given day, including the days where the wait is harder cause I know that His plan is perfect. So sorry you've been feeling sick, I'll be praying for you! I had a friend who was ridiculously sick for a good amount of