Well I've had an interesting journey

Well I've had an interesting journey. I had been TTC for about 3 years and finally went to an RE 5 months ago (don't wait that long to see an RE!!). I had an HSG and found both tubes were blocked and I had PCOS....so basically I had wasted all that time!!! Well I started on femara and ovidrel, the RE wanted me to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> but my husband was reluctant, so we have been doing timed intercourse. The 2nd cycle, I had a chemical pregnancy (used preseed and BD daily around O), the 3rd cycle, I apparently had a side effect to the femara...I had severe pain, and had to got to the ER twice (and missed the 2 most important days to BD!!) --found out apparently I was having ovarian torsion, eh that sucked. I was a little hesitant to do another round of meds after that experience but decided to go for it anyway.....yesterday at 11 dpo I got a faint positive and today at 12 dpo it was obvious. I got a beta hcg done today and it's on the high end of normal!! :) So excited for this new little one!!!