Very long rant- sorry

My SO recently lost is his job, and I working 56hours a week plus more when possible( starting to resent him because I'm always working and he's not). Where he's out of routine and always been a late sleeper, he watches tele till about 1/2am n then listens to his podcast to get to sleep, where I struggle to sleep with any light and noise(now I wear blindfold to bed coz of this)
Yesterday after I finished work we went out and met our friend at the pub, had a great evening but I wanted to go as work today, both of them wanted to carry on drinking so my SO went to back his house, then at 4am I get 2 calls and 2 texts to ask to transfer money over to his card to get cab home, he then comes crashing in at 5am, turning lights on, eating in bed, then banging plate when put it down, trying to have a conversation with me and telling me how long till my alarm etc, so I've had about 3 hours sleep then 2 hours of laying being annoyed n trying to get back to sleep. I'm so pissed off at how selfish he's been as now I've got to do a 12hr shift!! 
Am I wrong for being so annoyed at him?