Ex boyfriends

I broke up with my ex boyfriend about a year and a half ago and it ended badly. I still really loved him and he was a jerk about the breakup. I dated him for a year and a half. Now he dated another girl for a month but she broke up with him for someone else. He then texted me saying he was sorry and wanted to be friends. He said i was the only person who really cared about him and his feelings which is true. His parents dont do much for him so I was a great support system for him. We started talking again but stopped over the summer because he was partying and being stupid towards me. We reconnected in the fall but he was still distant. Every time i see him he tries to make a move on me and we got a little too far last  weekend. Since that happened he is talking to me everyday and making an effort to reach out to me about almost everything. What does this mean? He told me he always wants to have a close relationship with me whatever that may be but he still will call me dude every now and then. I am not sure what his intentions are and I am confused. I want to do stuff with him because we never got all the way while we were dating so there is some sexual tension for both of us but i dont want to be some hookup on the side either. What do his actions mean? Does he want a relationship and is just being awkward about it? Help!