My MIL makes me crazy!

Well I'm almost 11 weeks pregnant and every since I became pregnant I've had really bad morning sickness I wasn't able to eat or drink nothing. A week ago I started getting better. And I'm now able to eat only fruit with granola topped w/ shredded coconut. & strawberry smoothies. Today my MIL came to visit. My SO was preparing me a strawberry smoothie and she gave me a "lecture" on how I'm killing my baby. Because apparently fruit salads and strawberry smoothies are bad.

Ugh she made me so mad I walked out and cried like a baby lol. Damn hormones.

When I walked in she left and SO started telling me how I should stop eating fruit salads and smoothies. Idk what my mil told him but now he's so convinced what she said its true.

Is it really that bad?