Do Baby Girls Say Mama Or Dada First ?

So my bf and I are so competitive with eachother , and before we found out our babys gender he said he would bet me its a girl but I said I bet boy andddd ........ He proved me wrong 😒 
so now , I tell him our baby girl is gonna say " mama " first but he says no that shes gonna say " dada " lol . A friend of my dad's has 2 baby girls he was telling me how he wanted a girl then when his wife was pregnant again he hoped for another girl and got her and he was telling me how they're such daddys girls and how attached they are to him and I told him how my bf and I always talk about if she will say mama or dada first and he's like " oh trust me she's gonna say dad " and I told my bf about it and he said " hah , see " and gave me this smirk lol . what do you ladies think ? what did your baby girls say first ? 

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