Period late, now spotting, never has this happened b4...

I've never had this happen before and been trying for 11 months. Could I be pregnant this time? I've learned to wait until my period doesn't come to take tests and never think any sign could be pregnant because the last 10 months every period came on time without fail. Last period was Jan 9, 2015. I had cramping sometimes bad cramps on Sunday but still no period (I should have started fri or sat). I am 28 yo, and have never been late or experienced spotting. Today (Monday) I am spotting a pink discharge, nothing on my pad, only when I wipe. I tools pregnancy tests on fri, sat, and Sunday; all negative. My boobs slightly hurt up to Saturday but they usually hurt before a period. I feel stupid asking and trying very hard not to get my hopes up but dr hasn't called back and I'm more confused than I have ever been. Pls help & thank you for reading :)