Scared! Missing period 5 months postpartum!

I chart my temperature and I have low temperatures. I noticed a temperature shift that was not sustained ( I think...) new to charting.... And constant tacky mucus. I gave birth in September... Irregular periods since then usually on the very short side.... Now my hair is falling out like crazy ( possibly due to shift in hormones- post baby) and I'm on day 36 of no period. My husband and I had a sex only 3 times this month bc of pain- we used a condom but then the condom got very uncomfortable so he took it off for a little then withdrew before ... But I was tacky cm signs. .... So confused.... And scared! Don't know what to do- I'm not ready for another baby just yet. Where is my period!!!! 
How likely is it for me to be pregnant 5 months post pardum - brrastfeeding- using a condom taking it off shortly and withdrawing during a semi fertile period before ovulation? 
Words of encouragement and etc are appreciated - very scared...... 
If I am I just don't know how I'm going to do this without family anywhere near me - living in a new state and a husband who works 60 hours a week I barely see...