Symptoms, or too early?

💙Shadoe✨ • Just conceived our rainbow baby:) M/C in March 14 & chemical November 14... Going to marry the man of my dreams<3 After 14 months of trying finally got our BFP 8/7/15! Praying for a sticky baby🚼
The past several days i havent been feeling well, just over all not myself. Ive been nauseous, having random hot flashes, sore boobs, churning feeling and very light cramping, loss of appetite ( just nothing sounds good ) a little bit of heartburn, gas (i have been pregnant before and early on i started having terrible burps all the time. But it was only when i was pregnant), the burps habe started along with hiccups, and most of all.... Uncontrollable emotions, BAD! very emotional about everything. And it seems my nerves are on edge. I took 2 preg tests a day apart and both were negative. I normally dont have pms symptoms before af, or if i do its very very minimal... I included my chart.. Could this be the beginning of our little miracle?