The irony

Amiee • #1 Jordyn 03/14/15 #2 Nasir 02/21/18 #3 👼🏾🪽
Earlier today , I panic because I had a false alarm , I spilled water in my bed and it got on the back of my pants and inner thigh not realizing it had spilled , 😂😂😂 and what I thought was contractions was (sorry ladies ) GAS 😑, I rushed down stairs to tell my mom laughing only trying to hold back tears lol , I've been saying I was ready for my baby to come and I was soo confident but at that moment I was terrified and even thought I couldn't do it , anyone else had any false alarms ? Lol I'm sitting here looking at myself so different now because I've been afraid to admit how scared and worry about the unknown .