Fun fact game

Annelise • Mom of 5

13 facts about my pregnancy

1) I found out I was pregnant august 21, 2014

2) I was 4weeks and 2days when we found out

3) I had morning sickness for 5 months straight

4) I've only had 2 ultrasounds

5) we had a boy and girl names already picked out: addylan xaige and Steven Douglas gott the 3rd

6)we found out on December 4th 2014 that we were having a boy

7) our sons nickname is Tre

8) his due date is April 30,2015

9) I've been low risk my entire pregnancy 

10) we chose owls as his nursery theme

11) we weren't able to see his face at the first ultrasound cause he kept covering it with his hands

12)the second ultrasound he was sticking his tongue out

13) we heard his heart beat for the first time on October 1, 2014 when I was 10w+1d

Now comment 13 facts about your pregnancy(: