Being sucked into a bottomless pit...

Briolette111 • Waiting for the rainbow
I had a mc almost 2 weeks ago. It was really difficult of course. But for some reason I feel like as time goes on, I'm getting worse. I feel like I'm being sucked into and bottomless pit and there's no point in fighting it. Husband doesn't have much he wants to say on the topic. My best friend is incredibly flippant about it "well now you know you can get pregnant". She never even called or texted me within a week after it happened. Hardly anybody knows it happened and the few people that do, don't seem to care. I think my husband is confused how I seem completely fine one day and then completely detached and depressed the next two. I'm confused by it too I guess. I just want to lay on the couch and be left alone for the next year. Is this normal? In 3 days I'll be watching my BFF kids (age 5 and 17 months) for a whole week while she's on vacation. I don't know how I'm going to be able to do it... Not to mention my house is a mess and have no energy to clean it. Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated... Thanks.