Breast soreness going away

I am only about 4-5 weeks pregnant (conceived in Valentine's Day) but I've known I am pregnant for a week now. All of my HCG and progesterone levels looks good so far. 
My breast were sore and sensitive before I found out and a little after but not so much now. Maybe a little in the mornings? With baby #1 I don't remember much breast tenderness and I have implants (not sure if that makes a difference). Thoughts?? 

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With my first my boobs were only sore for a day 😉 be excited that u don't have to suffer with the pain..haha!!! Congrats and good luck!! 💕


B • Mar 4, 2015
Good to know! Thanks for the response.


Amanda • Mar 4, 2015
I'm 6 weeks and also have implants and only my nipples have bothered me so far and it comes and goes every few days


B • Mar 4, 2015
Thanks! I think I'm just paranoid. Trying not to stress!


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How did things end up?