I feel so sadπŸ˜žπŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Hi all
Today as i was sitting on the couch with my husband i felt this emptiness, my husband wants a baby so much and so do i, i feel so devestated that we cant have kids and start a family, especially that everyone around us has kids or pregnant im actually really starting to get heartbroken. I feel asif maybe that some sort of coldness we'll get in between us cause of not a kid entering our lives i just dont know anymore sounds stupid maybe but i dnt kno what 2 think anymor, we want to be a family!! I get tears when i think about it,
Been having unprotected sex for a year and 10 months actually trying using opk!Β 
I think im the problem. Cause i got my hormone checked out and have SLIGHT elevated FREEtestosterone.
please im in need of hope!