Help, bfn period three days late.

Ladies. I need your assistance or advice. My period is a few days late and it's never late! However I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. Am I out for this month? Have y'all ever had a bfp a week or so after missed period? I need your thoughts please I'm getting discouraged. Thank you....
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Posted at
I'm in the same boat. I took a test yesterday it was a bfn but now I'm on cycle day 33 and still no af!!?? 


Posted at
I don't know why this is happening. It's so confusing though. I hate it I don't want to be impatient but I can't help it. Wishing you baby dust 


J • Mar 7, 2015


Posted at
My last cycle was 37 days. Which I'm normally 30 days. But auntie flow came around he corner. 


🌸 Veronica 🌸 • Mar 7, 2015