Clear Passage

Madison • 27 & Married. TTC#1 with Endo and PCOS
I'm a labor and delivery nurse and TTC with endo which makes going to work every day very challenging. I love my job but seeing so many couples (both seemingly deserving and not so much) have their happy ending is devastating sometimes. 
I recently had a patient with endo that delivered her second baby.. Conceived naturally. She had had multiple rounds of <a href="">iui</a> and <a href="">ivf</a> with no luck. So she began researching additional options including acupuncture and a physical therapy called Clear Passage. It originated in Florida but now there are facilities in other states. They specialize in treating chronic pain, including pain caused by endo and have great success stories listed on their website for those TTC with endo. Has anyone else heard of this? Or better yet- received treatment and conceived afterward?