Ovulation/pain question

Jamie💋 • mom of 2 Boys on earth, ❤️ 👼🏻 3/9/19 👼🏻 1/2/20 👼🏻 4/14/20 🤰🌈 Due 3/2020
This morning around 5 am I woke up to a shooting pain in my ovary/uterus. It almost felt like a labor contraction and I felt the urge to push. When I tried to get out of bed I had to move really slowly and then walk to the bathroom slowly. I was afraid that I didn't know I was pregnant or something and was having a miscarriage. Then there was no blood...and I'm not in pain anymore. Has anyone else ever experienced this? I am on pregnitude and Fertilaid so I don't know if that's causing the pain or if maybe I'm ovulating early. My bbt has dropped quite a bit in the past couple of days but no +opk. Help! Any input is welcome.