Hypocritical Women

Katherine • Happy momma of two beautiful children.
I just ran across a news article about a woman (lingerie model) who is 8.5 and still has a tiny belly and 6 pack to boot. The comments people made about her were disgusting. Calling her unhealthy, saying she was starving her child, saying she was unrealistic and was going to make women everywhere feel badly that they couldn't obtain that, she didn't deserve a child, was vain etc. I just don't understand why as a society, we say embrace your body type and shape. Embrace your stretch marks and post baby flab because you made a human and that's what is important. But here they are body shaming someone because they are thin? There really seems to be no winning. You are body shamed for being heavy or full of stretch marks and are body shamed for being thin and having none. Why don't people see this as a double standard?