Change in due date?! Help?

I'm pregnant with my second so I've done this all before fairly recently and remember most of it. I went in for my nuchal translucency ultrasound this week and was 13w1d. The tech told us she couldn't get a good measurement because the baby was curled up. (And honestly it felt like she didn't know what she was doing compared to my first pregnancy) She took a measurement of the head instead to decide how far along I was. I told her my daughter and her dad (and his mom) all have big heads. Can I stand up and stretch to see if the baby will move into a different position? She said it wasn't necessary and then told me I'm actually 14w4d and they won't do the blood draw because I'm past the 13w6d window. 
My question is has anyone had a second ultrasound change their due date so drastically? Was is correct? We were following my ovulation closely when I got pregnant and it's pretty much impossible that I got pregnant a week and a half earlier. I'm extremely disappointed I missed the window now for my blood draw. Any thoughts or similar experiences?