Kidney stent at 31 weeks

Haley • Mama to Baby E as of 05/20/15 (Thank you, Glow!)
At my 28 week appointment, my OBGYN saw that there was a lot of blood in my urinalysis and asked if I was having any other issues in that department. I told her about the flank pain I'd been having and she sent me to my urologist. My urologist ordered a renal ultrasound, which did not show any kidney stones (which I have a long history of) but did show that the left ureter appeared to have a kink in it. She prescribed Tylenol 3 and we waited a week to see if the situation improved. My pain continued to get worse, so she decided that it was best to put me under general anesthesia and do a ureteroscopy. When I woke up, she had placed a stent from my left kidney to my bladder so if could properly drain.
Have any of you ever had a kidney stent? I'm in a lot of pain from it and I don't know how I will be able to handle this for the next few weeks. Doc said the baby is positioned in a way that is causing the kinked ureter and that the stent will prevent that from causing as much pain and making it so hard to pass urine. I need some encouragement that this pain will improve. I have had quite a few major surgeries and this one really surprised me- I didn't expect it to hurt this badly when I woke up. Any tips or advice on how to make it more tolerable?
Thanks in advance❤️