Bicornate uterus/ VBAC delivery?

Ashley • I have a beautiful 4yr girl! Now expecting our 2nd in Sept! 😊🍼 Student of medicine. 💉💊
Hello! Im 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant with baby #2! I have a bicornate uterus which is in the shape of a heart but plenty of room for baby to grow, my daughter was butt down and legs crossed when i went into labor and they took me back when i was 3cm dialated and maybe 1% effaced for a c-section. 
I do NOT want a c-sec again! Im really Hoping for a Vbac i was down for so long after my daughter i couldnt feel my abs for a year and on top of that when they performed the proceedure they gave me two spinals due to an "accidentle slip of the needle" so i was basically out of it when they gave me my daughter UGH! Do any of you ladies have some inspiring vbac stories? Im very adamant about the doctors waiting until i am in full blown labor to take me back if a c-sec is necessary i know sometimes baby turns during labor.