Hijacking pregnancy?

So I'm 14 weeks pregnant and my best friend is currently 19 weeks. Her and her husband for the most part planned their pregnancy while my SO and I did not. I haven't told her that I'm pregnant yet because I feel like I'm hijacking their pregnancy or something. We all went out to dinner the other night and of course the main topic was her pregnancy with me asking a bunch of questions and what not but It was so hard for me not to relate or say 'me to' to everything she was saying. At this point I don't know how to tell her but I also don't really want her to find out from everyone else (most ppl already know because we live in a small town and my dad has a big mouth). I'm not sure if I'm over reacting and just being rediculous or if she maybe will be upset because she's not the only one pregnant (we are also the first ones in our 'friend circle' to get pregnant. 

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