Partial Molar Pregnancy

Is there any one out there who has had a partial molar pregnancy recently? They are very rare and I just had one in the fall. I had my d&c procedure in October and my hcg levels have been below 1 since December. All along Ive been told that we can ttc again 3 cycles after my beta levels hit below 1. However, today I had a follow up appointment and was told we cannot ttc until July, 6 months after my beta levels stay below 1.  I left the appointment confused and my hopes deflated. I didn't ask any questions because I was in shock and couldn't think of any. And I was nervous because we already started ttc again based on what 2 other midwives at the group told us. I just called the midwifery to share my concerns and ask the questions I couldn't ask this morning. Have any of you gone through this? What were your experiences?