Long term relationship

My boyfriend and I have been going through a rough patch for the past month or so. I figured out he was talking to another girl for a couple days so we got in a fight, he begged me to stay with him so I did. Then a couple days later I forgave him and tried to make it work. He then told me he doesn't feel that "connection" or spark as we had before this(we had a solid year & a half of the honeymoon stage before this fight). Then that night he tried breaking up with me, saying he wanted to be single for now but wants us "long term".  I then received a really long text in the morning from him saying how sorry he was & that he doesn't want to be done for forever. Well, we agreed to go on a week long break and see where it goes. It seems like he's extremely confused and idk what to do. I'm really worried. Advice???