Pretty long, I need advice

Kylee • Mommy to a little boy💙
So I'm am a little over 6 months pregnant with a little boy my so and I have only been together for about 10 months. (Quick pregnancy I know birth control failed) when we first found out I was pregnant was because of how sick I was I ended up losing my job even with Dr notes. Right before I was fired we signed the papers for a lease on a home so he was the only income. We argued like normal people do but it's started to escalate. Our fights got worse and they lasted longer I'm not sure if is just because I'm pregnant and hormonal or what. He also has a 3 year old little boy from a previous relationship and everything that's in the house is mine I even purchased the clothes on his sons back. We have different parenting ideals. He doesn't like to discipline we can't even take his kid into the grocery store because he throws such fits he doesn't listen constantly screams and cries. If you say no or wait about anything he will starting bawling and say you hurt his feelings he hates you he wants to go and not come back. Yes I understand he is three but there is absolutely no reason for that. I have never once seen him in time out. (I'm not allowed to yell or discipline because he isn't my child according to so) you can tell him to behave and he will smirk and keep it up. Neither of them pick anything up at all. Food will fall my my so 's mouth he'll drop food spill something open something use something take something off or even use a freaking q tip and it's left out or not cleaned up or his crumbs are everywhere.but because I'm not working and he is its my job to clean everything because I'm home all day. ( again idk if it's just hormonal) which leads to us fighting and has even got physical on each end and mind yes still pregnant while this is happening. He works for a family business and his grandfather doesn't pay him what he works for we are currently 3 months behind on gas behind 1 car payment and we literally have no food. The business is closing in less than a week and he hasn't even tried to get a new job mind you our baby will be here in less than 100 days. We don't get along hardly ever I'm so stressed and unhappy I don't know what to do (again possibly just hormones?) When he gets mad he says horrible things calls me fat worthless ugly a mistake he tells me that even my family hates him. I literally don't say anything because it makes him madder that way and when I do give it back I literally repeat exactly what he says to me he freaks out. But later he swears he loves me he mm only said it because he was mad. But stuff like ghat repeated over and over and over sticks in your head and that's all I think about. When I have tried to leave he threatens to kill himself he talks about it a lot he has even told me he was going to stab me and kill me he even got a knife. I told him I was calling the cops and he smashed my phone. He always tell me he wishes that I'd die or get hit by a truck and wreck my car everything. I'm pregnant and I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with but I don't deserve that either. We've both left bruises on each other scratches everything. , (again hormones not just him?) I don't want to end things because I personally don't think he's stable and i, afraid what would happen I don't want to hurt him and I want my family to work. Things haven't been that bad lately but we aren't really talking either. I bring up the bills and how we literally have no food and he just tells me to stop nagging I mean he eats at work I'm home with nothing and I'm pregnant it's not okay. I don't know what to do. Where to go what to try. I'm so lost and just so depressed. I don't know if I should just be a a single mom because I couldn't jus let let my baby go there for 'visitation' with everything I have seen. (Again I don't know if if it's if it's just me and hormones) please help any advice I'm begging