Twin dreams...

I keep having dreams that I'm pregnant with twins. Oh boy. 
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I had a dream.I was.having twins. First scan.and had 2 babies.


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So did I!!! The first thing I asked at my scan was if there was only one - and there is! Good luck! X


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I had a dream at 7 weeks that I was having twins with one twin not doing so well. At 8 weeks I found out we actually had twins but one of the babies never developed completely. So now we are just praying for our one baby to stay safe for the entire 9 months. When the doctor showed us the scan I asked him if I had know earlier was there a chance to save our second baby and he said no, there was nothing we could do and sometimes people don't even find out until 12 weeks. My husband says it was not meant to be but I can't help but feel a sense of loss.


ND • Apr 2, 2015
Thanks Aimee. We didn't think it meant anything at the time though.


Aimee • Apr 2, 2015
Sorry for the loss of your twin baby. :( You have great intuition


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I had a tiny feeling I was going to have twins and I do!!