Very intense experience from MOROCCO

I recently visited my home land  Morocco... My whole family was very consered as to why I haven't been able to get pregnant for over a year now.... To make the long story short My aunt took me to an herbal doctor where the doctor simply felt my belly around and told me that my uterus has caught a cold!!!! Most of you will probably think this is insane and I totally understand but she said this is a big problem for woman because they don't keep themselves warm all times so the uterus gets congested and becomes unable to take any sperm.... She had given me some herbal/natural  meds that im taking with my husband to clear this "cold" up and she swore and promised that my next period will be my last period until I give birth... This woman is known all over morocco and has been able to help a lot of couples whom have been trying for years... Just thought I'd share this very interesting info :) 
I will keep you all posted!