My mother hates me

I'm 28.My fiance and i lived in a different state for almost two years and it felt like I actually had a mom, she never really liked me growing up and I was an only child. She really loves her 3 grandchildren. My kids 7,5,3. . When We visited in state for a few days it would be amazing and she talked me into moving back. To get our things together while we stayed at her house for a few months. We loved the state we lived in but we really missed family, me especially my mom. Now, all she does is criticize me, yell at me like I'm a child. Tries to parent my children who are very well taken of. I found out I was pregnant and she said that she wouldn't say congratulations because it was stupid. I'm crushed. Today she said that she didn't hate me, she just didn't like who I am. We were doing very well in that state, amazing to say the least. I worked in a hospital, made great money, loved in a beautiful home, nice mini van, I had everything and we used to talk on the phone hours each and every night and I missed my mom that much that I thought what's the point in having all these great things if you can't share it with family? I regret moving back and want to move back to the other state so bad. I'm just crushed that this is how I'm being treated. I pay for so many things on top of 900$ in groceries a month, been here since February. If she doesn't get her way she is even worse. I just feel like I'm falling apart and that this stress is gong to make me miscarriage. I'm 5 weeks 5 days. I need insight. Why doesn't my mom love me? My family all says, oh you didn't expect her to change did you? And honestly I did. I thought it was proven with the distance. She has always told me that her body tried to get rid of me while she was pregnant grenade she bled for months, that I was an awful baby, a terrible child and teen and all my friends parents loved me because I was a really good kid. I was always the good influence. I never did anything really wrong! I'm just so hurt that this person is my mom and hates me so much that I cry every single day. Nothing I do makes get happy. I go out of my way and still get shit on.