Possibly pregnant after miscarrying end of Jan

Paula • Mommy & Daddy to one little sweetheart. Another on the way!
Pretty sure I ovulated Sunday March 29 and did the deed that day as well as 3 days before. It's 4 DPO and im having a bunch of symptoms similar to my last two times being pregnant. Nausea, extreme fatigue, a funny sore throat (not too bad) and these are symptoms I never get before or during my period but do get when I'm pregnant. Hoping I'm right. It's still early but I've read responses from other people about "knowing" early on... possibly because of some hormones being released by the egg working its way through the system. Also I've heard people talk about quick implantation depending on cell replication rates. Not sure if these stories are true or not but either way I feel VERY different. It's not my first go around so I'm hoping I'm right? Any thoughts ladies?