-_- ...

I have a very close male friend who I've known for 4yrs at first he was more like a big brother even tho i knew he wanted me ! As time went on we got extremely close , I was ALWAYS there for him when everyone else could of cared less .. Long story short, sexual things have happened a few times between us. I care about him but i wouldn't leave my boyfriend for him ! .. Well my Bestfriend of 10+ years knows my whole situation with him .. And i recently found out he invited her to smoke a blunt , she excepted & me being her best friend i know how much of a little slut she can be . I had a feeling something went down, well another friend of mine called me this morning and i basically got confirmation that indeed something did go down ! I'm furious with her , i know he's not my man so he does as he pleases but for him to have even tried anything with her he's definitely Cut Off ! As for her .. What do u ladies think i should do? She's been calling me nd texting , i haven't responded. . I have no words , she obviously has no respect for me or herself!